Why we need this Vitamins ?

Everyone from Child to adult the body needs balanced vitamins for growth. Foods rich in these vitamins can affect the growth of the body if not taken properly. Diseases come and go without saying. So, let's see what vitamin deficiency causes and which vitamins contain those vitamins:

* Vitamin A: If it is low, the eyesight will fade. Decreased immunity. This vitamin important for the fetus to growth in the womb and for the good growth of the new born. This is the main reason why bones and teeth grow.

* Drumsticks, green leafy vegetables, butter, egg yolk, liver and fish oil are high in vitamin A.

* Vitamin B: Decreased levels can lead to indigestion, indigestion and anemia. The risk of stroke and heart attack is high. Also, it can cause mouth sores.

* Hand-picked rice, meat, eggs and vegetables are high in this vitamin.

* Vitamin `C ': It is low in people who lose peace of mind. Also, will look cynical in appearance. Bones may lose strength. Swollen teeth can be seen playing. Bleeding in the gums. Bleeding may occur on the skin.

* Oranges, grapes, uncooked greens, gooseberries, lemons, tomatoes, guavas, potatoes, beets and papayas are high in vitamin C.

* Vitamin D: Without vitamin D, bones are strong Will fall. May damage teeth. In children deficiency of vitamin D, their legs will be bend like a boww. Stomach bloating and also good for Kidney functions.

* If the baby gets enough sunlight, his body will produce vitamin D. Eggs, fish and butter are also high in vitamin D. Vitamin E: When it is low, muscles become weak. Can also cause infertility.

* If you add a lot of wheat, spinach and green vegetables, you will get vitamin E in a balanced ratio.

All vitamins are essential for the health of our body, so eat a healthy diet.

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