Guava guards your Health !

Guava is one of the fruits that gives good nutrients to the body. Guava is available in green color and some varieties are available in yellow color with good aroma. Everyone likes guava. Let's see the medicinal properties of delicious cinnamon!

* Guava root, leaves, bark, and rhubarb have medicinal properties and are highly curative for intestinal and stomach ailments.

* Grind the leaves of the guava tree and apply it on the wound so that they heal quickly. Guava leaves help with ulcers and toothaches.

* Guava has the property of lowering sugar It has been found that regular consumption of coca nuts can lower blood sugar levels.

* Infusion made from guava leaves Cure throat and heart related ailments Infusion made from young twigs of guava tree can control fever.

* Another infusion made from the branches of the guava tree is given to children for ailments such as depression, convulsions, and epilepsy.

* Paranormal doctors say that drinking a decoation made with some parts of the guava tree along with some other ingredients will help in expelling the wastes released after childbirth.

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