Chronic renal failure: Kidneys and their dysfunction
When it is revealed that there is a chronic permanent disease it changes one's life. The big change from a stable life can be a huge challenge for everyone. In this first part you will learn about Kidney Disease and its Remedies
What are kidneys? What is their job?
Both of your kidneys work primarily 24 hours a day to cleanse your body of waste products. They are located in the middle of the back, slightly below the ribs. The urine secreted by the kidneys is drip-driven into the bladder through the internal urethra. Every day for 24 hours 180 liters of blood enters your two kidneys and passes through the 140 miles of microscopic tubes / sieve inside which the waste products are removed and returned to the body.
Few of us have a kidney at birth. With it they are able to live up to 100 years without any discomfort. We can live without any health problems or physical hardship until the functional capacity of our kidneys drops below 20%.
1. The chief function of the kidneys, as has already been said, is the work of a purifier who keeps the blood clean by constantly removing waste products from the food used as fuel and excreting it in the urine.
2. Tissues in our body are made up of 60% water, including blood and digestive juices.
It is the kidneys that keep this ratio at exactly 60 percent. The amount of water in our body. The amount of water taken in food and fluids, the amount of water that leaves the body (urine, sweat, sometimes vomiting) is calculated by increasing or decreasing the amount of urine and keeping the water level in the body always the same. Thus excess water is added to the body in the event of kidney damage. Inflammation of the hands, feet, face and abdomen.
3. The kidneys have the right amount of mineral salts and chemicals (for example, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, uric acid, bicarbonate, etc.) in various tissues in our body. The kidneys can be said to be the super chemical control center of our body thus varying the amount of different chemicals in the kidney dysfunction which can lead to many troubles.
4. Some nutrients called hormones are secreted by different types of endocrine glands in our body and take them to other organs through the blood and regulate the function of those organs (for example - thyroid - thyroxine, pancreatic - insulin). Parts of the kidneys act as endocrine glands - producing certain hormones.
The hormone erythropoietin acts on the tissues that produce red blood cells in the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. The hormone calcitriol keeps the calcium in the blood constant, thereby ensuring that it builds up in the bones and keeps the bones strong. The hormone renin regulates blood pressure. Therefore, a decrease in erythropoietin in renal insufficiency leads to a decrease in red blood cells - anemia, a decrease in calcitriol, resulting in weakening of the bones, an increase in renin and hence hypertension.
Why did my kidneys fail?
When the kidneys fail, the various wastes and excess water in our body gradually increase. The levels of mineral salts and various chemicals also vary naturally in the blood. Impairment in the production of hormones produced by the kidneys can lead to anemia, osteoporosis and high blood pressure. When all these are more than a little, various ailments occur to the body. There are two types of kidney failure.
1. Acute Kidney Failure (AKF)
Kidneys that were working well may suddenly become completely inoperable within a few days. Accidental blood loss, high blood pressure, infection of the kidneys, adverse effects of certain drugs, diarrhea caused by certain types of toxins (example: snakebite, sawdust powder, folk remedies), stone blockage in the ureters, urinary obstruction due to inflammation of the prostate gland, etc. Some reasons in the country may require temporary dialysis treatment if the kidneys are not fully functioning at this time. In most cases the kidneys will start working properly within 2 - 4 weeks. Dialysis treatment does not need to be done regularly. The body will return to a completely old state of health.
2. Chronic Kidney Failure (CKF)
This type of kidney failure is caused by the gradual failure of the kidneys by various diseases on a monthly and yearly basis.
3. End Stage Kidney Failure (ESKF)
The aforementioned acute renal failure progresses gradually and eventually results in complete renal failure. In which the kidneys have no chance to work again. During this time you may need dialysis or a kidney transplant to stay alive. The causes of both types of kidney failure are the same. The main causes in US are kidney damage due to diabetes, kidney damage due to uncontrolled high blood pressure, tumor in the kidneys due to genetic disorders, nephritis. But in our country due to ignorance and lack of medical facility many times the kidney failure is very thoroughly scanned when the kidneys are scanned before it is found out what caused the kidney failure. The fact that they are no longer repairable is also a frequent occurrence. Kidney doctors are not interested in finding out the cause of kidney failure after it has shrunk so there is no big benefit in doing so.
What's the Difference Between Kidney Failure?
Chronic renal failure is the pre-existing stage of advanced renal failure. If your kidney failure is found in this condition then you can postpone dialysis or kidney transplantation for several weeks or months or even years depending on the functional capacity of your kidney. You need to be under the supervision of a kidney doctor (Kidney Doctor - Nephrologist - Nephrologist). He will try to postpone as much as possible the moment when you need to take dialysis treatment or kidney transplant. For this you need to visit him once a month. He measures your blood pressure, various salts in the blood, levels of chemicals, blood levels, Prescribes medications to monitor sugar control. He will also calculate your permanent kidney failure and when you will need dialysis treatment. Acute renal failure is permanent and complete renal failure. Once you reach this stage you will not be able to survive without dialysis treatment or kidney transplantation.
Symptoms of renal failure
With the gradual failure of the kidneys until the efficiency of the kidneys drops below 70 percent, nothing that bothers most people can come. Or we may have neglected early-stage disorders such as fatigue, tiredness, swollen ankles, and frequent urination at night. The following symptoms may occur with renal failure in combination.
1. Urinary incontinence less or more than usual
2. Swelling - on the hands, feet, abdomen, and other parts of the face
3. High blood pressure
4. Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, hiccups
5. Bitterness in the mouth
6. Physical exhaustion, fatigue, dizziness
7. Lack of interest in any of the mental disorders, insomnia at night, sleep during the day
8. Headache, body aches, pain in the bones
Within a few days of starting dialysis at the time when you need dialysis, all your worries will be greatly reduced and you will feel healthier.
What is my role as a patient in the treatment of chronic kidney failure? How do I control my emotions?
(Note from a kidney failure patient) - I say this not to scare you. Only you can understand. Your kidney failure is going to change your life a bit. Every individual will face his or her kidney failure disease in every way. You may also find it very difficult to make changes in your lifestyle. Can also be easily accepted. These changes can affect not only you but also your family and work environment. These changes include diet, medications to be taken regularly, and regular checkups with a urologist. You will face your worries, fears, changes in the body. Although these may seem difficult at first, as the days go by the family, You can implement this change with the support of the medical team. As far as I am concerned I was able to alleviate my worries and doubts by communicating with patients with similarly affected kidney failure.
Treatment selection
When chronic renal failure progresses to transient renal failure then there are several methods of its treatment. You can mix and match all of them and choose the one that suits you best. Not all treatments are suitable for everyone. Discuss the pros and cons of each treatment with your doctor and family. Starting one does not mean switching to another. But before starting a type of treatment, you will have to spend some time, effort and money to make some arrangements so consult and decide once before starting the treatment. Your general physical health, distance from the dialysis center to your place of residence,
It is our kidney that help in many ways to flush out the toxins in our body and keep the body healthy. "At least 900 out of one million people in the city have kidney disease," the health ministry said. The shocking news is that many people are unaware that they have kidney failure or damage.
They only know when the disease is maturing. This, should not be allowed to grow. If it grows like that, you will have major treatments such as dialysis and kidney transplant surgery. If there is a problem in our body it does not develop suddenly.
Similarly, if you are not able to focus on the work you do on a daily basis, or if you experience pain, itching, or stress, immediately consider the information your body sends you. Because even if there is a small damage to the organs of the body the body will send you the message. With these symptoms you can detect that your kidney are not working properly.
Bad breath due to Acute Renal failure signs :
Urea levels in the blood are high when the kidney are not functioning properly. This urea breaks down into ammonia in saliva. This will turn the breath into a bad odor. Healthy kidney remove waste and excess fluid from the blood. They also help build red blood cells. They also maintain the right amount of minerals in the body.
Itchy and dry skin indicate that the Renal have failed to maintain a proper balance of minerals and nutrients, which can lead to bone and renal disease. This will cause our mouth to stink. When waste builds up in the blood, it changes the taste of the food and leaves a metallic taste in your mouth. Bad breath is another sign of high toxins and contamination in the blood if you have it.
Insomnia due to Renal failure symptoms :
When your kidney are not functioning properly, toxins stay in the bloodstream without leaving the body through the urine. Increasing the level of toxins makes it harder for you to sleep. So it is difficult to get a restful sleep when the Renal function is low.
When the kidney do not properly filter out toxins, they stay and mixed in the blood. This creates a problem of sleepiness, Shortness of breath is a disorder that causes one or more pauses in breathing when you are asleep. These pauses last from a couple of seconds to a minute. After each pause, normal breathing returns with loud snoring. See a doctor immediately if you have these symptoms.
Anorexia and nausea due to Kidney failure symptoms
Common signs of this problem are loss of appetite, abnormal taste in the mouth, and poor appetite. When it worsens, the patient may experience vomiting and frequent hiccups when the amount of toxins in the blood is high. Some people experience frequent nausea. If it is excessive with fever means stones in kidney.
Swelling or psoriasis:
Swelling or blockage of the ankles, feet, legs, and especially the face can occur when the kidney are unable to expel the unwanted water that has accumulated in the body. Swelling of the face, or swelling of the feet and abdomen can betray these diseases. A notable feature of this is that the swellings first start on the face and start to touch the eyelids and become very apparent especially in the morning. Swelling of the face is a sign of acute renal failure. But mere swellings are not enough symptoms.
Even kidney that are working properly, in a few types of kidney repair can bring on inflammation. For some, the swelling may go away. But the kidney are ruined to the extent indicated. It creates skin problem, Itching , rashes and rashes on the skin.
Hypertension due to Kidney failure symptoms:
Renal failure to develop high blood pressure or hypertension. If it occurs at a young age, under 35 means if high blood pressure is confirmed by a doctor, it may be due to kidney related problems.
How is this kidney disease diagnosed?
Many people may not have any symptoms when the disease strikes. So even if there is a slight suspicion that the disease has struck, it is better to get tested immediately.
If the disease strikes, blood tests may show elevated levels of urea and creatinine. In addition the amount of urine, urine test and some recommended tests should be done.
Causes for Renal Failure
Kidney stones, urinary tract infections, high blood pressure can lead to acute renal failure. The function of the kidney is to filter out the toxins that enter the body on a daily basis and perform the main function of passing waste products into the urine. Separates excess salts and minerals as needed. The alkaline acid in the blood manages itself.
If too much waste accumulates in the body, it can cause swelling on the face. This may be a sign of kidney disease.
What is Dialysis?
When do these patients need dialysis?
In severe cases, dialysis may be required if the kidney symptoms and complications of the disease are exacerbated, even after adequate treatment. Conditions such as increased fluid volume, uncontrollable hyperkalemia, and severe acidosis are symptoms that require dialysis.
How many days should dialysis be continued ?
Diet for chronic kidney disease
Some habits that should be generally observed in this context
- The daily protein intake should be limited to 0.8 g / kg (body weight).
- Make sure the body has enough carbohydrates to give it the energy it needs.
- Make sure your body is getting enough fat (in moderation). Let the butter, ghee and oils be in very moderate amounts.
- If you notice swelling, limit your intake of soft drinks or water.
- Add adequate amounts of vitamins and trace elements. Let the diet be a little high in fiber.
- Dietary variants and variants selected for patients
Eating a high calorie diet
Cholesterol triglyceride
Reducing protein intake to avoid acute renal failure
Risks of urinary incontinence
Discomfort and pain
Bladder infection
Kidney disease
Some useful ideas for taking fluids.
1. Measure your body weight at specific times each day. Adjust the amount of fluid you take in to suit that weight.
2. The doctor will periodically recommend to you how much fluid you need per day. Consider it carefully and drink the drinks you need to drink. Drink only accurately calculated volume of liquid. This applies not only to drinking water, but also to tea, coffee, yogurt, soft drinks, whey, and fruit juices. When calculating the amount of fluids, keep in mind the amount of fluid that is already hidden in your body. Do not forget the amount of fluids in the diet hydrated foods. If you take fruits like grapes, watermelon, tomato, etc., the water in them will be added.
3. Reduce the amount of salt in the body. Avoid spicy and fried foods. They make the thirst more. So the urge to drink more water arises.
4. Drink drinking water if you are thirsty. Do not keep drinking water. Do not start drinking too often just because everyone else is drinking.
5. To keep the mouth from drying out, you can take water and gargle and spit it out. It does not add weight to the fluid in the body. Or 'If the chewing gum tastes like candies, the mouth will stop drying. Or rinse your mouth with lukewarm water.
6. Use a small cup to pour the drinking liquid.
7. Take the medicine after meals. Do this when mixing water with the medicine.
8. The patient should be kept active at all times. Any patient who has leisure time will be tempted to ask why he should not drink water immediately.
9. Increased thirst is natural in patients with high blood sugar. So if you reduce the sugar level somehow, you will not get thirsty.
10. If the temperature of the weather can keep the environment cool by increasing thirst, it is welcome.
Reducing salt in the diet (sodium)
Why are such patients told to cut back on salt?
The amount of sodium that should be in the diet we eat should be very importantly controlled. Blood pressure can be controlled by lowering it adequately. The kidney themselves play a major role in controlling this sodium. In people with severe kidney disease, the renal cannot remove excess sodium and fluid. So sodium and fluid go with them every day.
As the sodium builds up in the body, so does the thirst. Swelling appears and shortness of breath. To reduce these problems, patients should reduce their dietary sodium intake.
What are the differences between sodium and salt?
Usually the two words above are spoken as if they meant the same thing. The salt we usually take is called sodium chloride. It contains 40 percent sodium. Salt is an required ingredient in our diet. But there are still some sodium-containing compounds.
They are:
- Sodium alkinate. It is also used in ice creams.
- Sodium bicarbonate - This is used to make bread in bakeries. This is called soda for short.
- Sodium Benzoate - This is a great food preservative.
- Sodium citrate Gelatin - Flavors in some foods and beverages.
- Sodium nitrate is used to give attractive colors to meat products.
- Sodium Saccharide - Artificial flavor It has undefined effects on health.
- Sodium Sulfide - Used as a preservative in dried fruits.
How much salt is good for a person?
One should not eat more than 6 to 8 grams of salt a day. People with severe kidney disease should take salt only on the recommendation of a doctor. People with high blood pressure should not take more than 3 grams of salt a day.
Which food has the most salt?
- Puppet (waffle), finely salted pickles, salty chutney, sauces, chaat masala, and foods such as sambar, rasam.
- Biscuits, cakes and pastries.
- Cooking soda, baguettes, tokens, halwa, samosas, yogurt, etc.
- Fries, popcorn, salted peanuts, salted dried fruits, canned food, etc.
- Butter made with salt, and cheese, etc.
- Instant snacks such as noodles, pasta, cornflakes, etc.
- Cabbage, cauliflower, radish, beetroot, coriander leaves, etc.
- Salty lassi, baking soda, lemon juice and sodium bicarbonate tablets, antacid tablets and laxative tablets
- Meat, chicken, animal organs such as kidney, liver, brain, etc.
- Marine life such as beetles and shrimps.
How to cure Damaged Kidney Naturally !
Method 1
As of now we see the Kidney functions and Symptoms of Kidney failure. No need to worry We will easily rejuvenate our failed kidney Naturally with easily available below 3 things we prepare a juice.
Required Things :
1. Snake Gourd - 200 Gms.
2. Tomato - 1 Nos.
3. Betel leaf - 6 Nos.
Take above things and wash it, and then cut it into small pieces. Put all this in Mixer grind add small amount of water and Blend it. Then Filter this Take Juice of this. Do not add anything for taste. Drink this Juice in Empty Stomach in Morning and Evening sip by sip. Don't eat anything 1 hour after taking this Juice.
Avoid Take Heavy food, Meat, Oily food in bed time. and always stop taking coffee and tea.Its better to take fruits and fruits Juice alone enough in bed time for Speedy recovery and good result. Continue this Dosage up to 3 to 6 Months. Your Kidney become rejuvenate as new. For good result you should drink this juice with out fail, and this is natural one no worry of side effect. After one month you take Urine and blood test you can see the magic of this Juice.This is Proven Method of Naturopathy Treatment is silently Adopted over so many countries.
Method 2
A condition in which both kidneys can fail at any time after taking medication for diabetes.
A relative from that village took his son and went to see him ... He broke down in tears and at that time he gave him this advice that Grind the "Mukkirattai leaves" and add the juice to the old porridge (squeeze out the rice) and mix the Mukkirattai juice "1 week The young man who came drunk .
God grace with deity and take the above medicine with confidence said you will be perfectly healed. In three days ... he got up himself and walked with him and urinated ... in 2 days his face was less swollen and he was happy to hear that he was fine after eating his regular food.
Today he has recovered perfectly. Would you say the pride of the Tamil people who lived "food is medicine"? Miracle is wonderful surprise but true kidney sufferers do not spend billions. Mukkirattai leaf juice is enough cure failed kidney for old porridge.
How to clean the kidney ?
Drink half a liter of water. Next, mark when you urinate.
Drink half a liter of water again immediately. Dispose of it as soon as you feel like urinating. Do this for 3 consecutive days without interrupting your work.
If the first time you drink water is half the second time and the second time is half the third time, your renal or kidney are healthy.
For example, 1 time 60 minutes 2 time 30 minutes 3 times 15 minutes to get out of the water. If there is a mistake in this can be corrected naturally. But it takes a long time for a kidney to repair itself, no matter how long it takes.
If you want your renal or kidney functioning to be clean you first need to drink plenty of water. Drink eight quarts or two litres of water daily and your kidney will start working properly.If you need more attention to cleanse your kidney, you need to eat foods low in protein. Avoid eating chicken and fish.
In addition it is important to avoid consuming coffee, chocolate and other calcium oxalate and uric acid products. We do not include sanwa millet in our daily diet. It helps greatly in cleansing the kidney stone and kidney functioning.
Bananas, cherries, cucumbers, nuts, papayas, potatoes, pumpkins and watermelons are all good fruits to cleanse the kidney.
Magnesium prevents the growth of kidney stones. Eating foods rich in magnesium can help prevent the development of kidney stones. Greens, almonds, soybeans, avocados, and oatmeal are high in magnesium.
This Juice tried for a week. It work's like magic. Thanks for posting.