Bee Honey ! How to Test Purity ?

 "The question for many now is how to turn Bee Honey, which is considered a normal delicacy, into medicine, how to use Bee Honey properly in the diet, and how to protect your health."

We all know that Bee Honey is a sweet, viscous food derived from bees.

According to the proverb that food is medicine, it is considered to be the choice of everyone from big to small as it is a delicious food with many medicinal properties and specialities.

How do bees convert pollen into honey?

There are three types of bees. Queen bee, male bee, work bee.

The queen bee will have only one nest. There will be hundreds of male bees and thousands of worker bees.

Of these, only worker bees collect honey. Working bees have a pollen basket on their hind legs to collect pollen from the flowers. This is not the case for male bees and queen bees

The worker bees have an organ called the honeycomb, which converts the glucose in the flowers into honey. This system does not exist for the other two types of bees.

These leave the hive and absorb the nectar of the flower inside the flower. They then collect the pollen of the flower and return to the nest. Upon return the pollen is sealed in the room nest. These pollen grains are rich in protein and minerals. More than 10 amino acids are mixed with honey and given to the larvae.

The nectar that then nourishes the hive gives the honey that comes out of the stomach into the mouth. Usually glucose is 60 to 80 percent water. That water is reduced to 16 to 18 percent when it brings in the beekeeping beekeeper. Spit 50 times to take a drop of honey.

Another speciality is that only the working bees have the ability to produce the wax used to build the hive. Worker bees are sterile female bees that are unable to lay eggs and reproduce.

The glucose in the flower is chemically converted into honey by the honey sac in their stomach.

These are also pollinated by the pollen basket system on the feet.

Bees are capable of travelling up to about 1 lakh km.

Why do bees store honey? The question may also arise.

The reason for storing honey is the precautionary measures taken for food production so that the flowers do not bloom in winter.

Flying at speeds of up to 40 km per hour, they carry 450 kg of flower glucose per year, propolis resin, water and pollen from trees.

It would be wonderful for that Lord to say that after travelling a million kilometres and taking glucose from two million flowers she returns exactly to her home !.

Finally the glucose taken from the flower is converted into honey. The larvae are fed with pollen.

The Magnificence of Bee Honey: -

One tablespoon of Bee Honey contains about 64 calories, 80% sugar and 20% water.

Bee Honey plays a major role in weight loss. Mix well with lemon juice and Bee Honey in hot water and drink it daily in the morning.

Drinking concentrated Bee Honey, in water or simply at night, is good for colds and coughs.

Drink distilled milk mixed with a little concentrated Bee Honey at night to not only get good sleep, but also to get refreshed and reduce problems like insomnia and stress during the day.

Also, daily consumption of Bee Honey gives good results as it helps in the functioning of our brain and heart greatly as the bad wastes in the body are excreted or excreted in the body.

Bee Honey can be mixed with hot water to reduce colds, coughs, respiratory problems and other ailments, and is considered to be the best medicine for pregnancy.

Bee Honey is widely used to reduce inflammation and dissolve fat. If you apply Bee Honey to burns, blisters and wounds caused by oil, it will heal quickly and get good results.

The greatness of Bee Honey has been used by people since ancient times and is still widely used today as it gives good perfect healing properties to the body, whether consumed or ingested externally.

Well, considering Bee Honey as a medicine, consuming it without examining its nature can greatly affect our health.

Usually honey contains only C4 and C3 sugars. That is, they mix sugar cane juice from cane juice and corn. In India, we call these blended types of honey as blended honey.

Honey has become an essential ingredient in everyone's home as it has many medicinal properties. In the early days we used to wander in search of natural honey like mountain honey and hornbeam but now we are accustomed to honey which is labeled in supermarkets and sold in bottles.

We never really thought about the quality of the honey that is bottled and sold ... what is mixed in it ... where so much honey is produced. Recently, the Center for Science and the Environment in Germany conducted a state-of-the-art study to select 13 popular brands of honey exported from India, collect honey from those brands from different locations and examine the purity of the honey. At the end of that study, out of 13 popular brands collected from India, only 5 brands of honey were quality. Synthetic sugar is mentioned in all other brands.

People should be vigilant enough to check whether any product has FSSAI certification or ISO certification before purchasing it. You need to check what ingredients are included in the product you are buying, how much is added, how many calories are in each item and when it is packed. "

How to Test Purity of  Bee Honey ?

Vikram Kumar, a paranormal doctor, explains the methods and benefits of finding the purity of honey at home ...

Take Honey Bottle Put a Spoon inside and view the spoon from out side of bottle. If the Spoon is visible to eyes means Honey is not pure, If the spoon not visible then then its is a original Bee Honey. This is the Best method over below said other.

Natural honey means that even if you put a bottle of honey outside, the ant will not taste.

Pour a drop of honey on the thumb. If it flows down fast you may know that it is not real bee honey.

If you take a match and touch it with honey, it will ignite and burn fast. Blended bee honey does not burn due to moisture. With this you can discover the true nature of honey.

Take honey and pour it in a glass jar without any stirring it is pure honey.

Take a few drops of honey and mix it with equal amount of water. Add a few drops of vinegar. Now if the foam comes out you can know that it is mixed honey.

Fill a bowl with water. Try leaving a few drops of honey in it. When honey is mixed with water it is fake honey. You can know that it is pure honey if you go to the bottom without mixing and stay.

There are many types of bees such as mountain bee, horn bee and Indian bee. Now bees are even raised in homes. Medicinal properties of honey extracted from home-grown bees are slightly lower. This is because bees, like mountain bees, store nectar from flowers. So we get medicinal properties from those flowers too. For home-grown bees, the flowers are dissolved in sugarcane and fed in the absence of flowering season. This may also cause the sugar in the honey to mix. 

Similarly naturally occurring honey is not always the same taste and color. This is because the bees collect nectar from different flowers like neem, gooseberry and ginger so the taste will vary. But, bottled honey Honey extracted from  same artificial source always have the same taste and the same colour.

Exploring the quality of Bee Honey with such tests and then using it will not only give you extra benefit but also save you money.

Mix a little Bee Honey with garlic extract twice a day and you can control all the blood related problems in the body from haemorrhoids.

Applying a thick Bee Honey to the complexion will give good results.

Our heartfelt congratulations on living well using such a special amount of Bee Honey.

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