What exactly is sambarani? What are the benefits of showing sambarani to the Lord according to the scriptures? Come and see in detail about it in this article."
In today's age of modernity, in this age of urgency, everything is ready-made. Human drumming in temples has disappeared and now in many temples the machine does that job. Just flipping the switch is enough.
In the same way, the time when we go up the stairs is gone and the time that carries us up the steps (the time constraint) has come (Escalator).
Overall, everything is getting simpler. They also manifest themselves from time to time in spiritual matters. In that sense, the computer sambarani has come into our home prayer rooms.
Due to this, instead of the traditional sambarani, nowadays people use incense to the Lord through computer sambarani and various incense burners. However, there is nothing wrong with that. But, at the same time, there is no denying that the traditional method is slightly more beneficial.
However, what is the original Sambrani? Original sambarani is milk or resin derived from a tree (sambaranci tree) called Frankincense. It belongs to the plant family Boswellia serrata.
It compresses very slowly, becoming translucent and flammable. This sambarani is also known by many names such as kumancham, kungiliyam tree white, parangich sambarani and white spinach. Burning this champ will spread a great deal of odor.
In today’s foot environment, sambarani trees are largely on the verge of extinction. However, sambarani trees are abundant in Western countries and in India in Gujarat, Assam, Rajasthan, Bihar, Orissa and Tamil Nadu. In Tamil Nadu, especially on the Kalvarayan and Servarayan slopes, at an altitude of 500 m - 700 m. These trees are very stable.
However it can be easily sawed and threaded. That is the specialty of this type of tree. Also, in some places these trees are used to make matches. In particular, from November to July, the trees produce more milk. Sambarani can be obtained from one tree up to 1 kg per year.
According to Shastra and Vedic scriptures, what are the benefits of showing Sambrani to the Lord?! .. Come and see.
1. Evil spirits do not haunt us. 2. Sambarani smoke can kill germs that may be present in the house. 3. Sambrani Lakshmi Kataksham and can bring wealth. 4. If Sambrani continues to show devotion to the Lord, it will ultimately bring us salvation.
Considering the above benefits, we can no longer use sambarani in worship!