Kothavarangai in English called Cluster Beans and Medicinal Benefits.
1. Physical Activities : Nervous System
2. Zodiacal Position : Gemini
3. Vegetable : Coriander
4. Nutrition: Vitamin K
5. Philosophy : Air
6. Dosha: Phlegm
7. Pole : Male
8. Season : Air season
9. Time : 2 PM to 4 PM
10. Character : Simplicity
11. Vaiphavam : Ani Thirumanjanam
12. Wisdom :
The soul is immortal, The body is perishable
Gods have nectar and men have Cluster Beans. Cluster Beans is the safest fiber-rich protein on earth. Our Bharat Bhoomi is a holy land capable of producing it. The people of India are exporting the nectar of kothavarangai and are importing the poison of chemical drugs. With this, Indians have once again proved themselves to be the best idiots in the medical world. That means people who are incapable of creative thinking.
The ear nerve has the ability to adjust the body temperature according to seasonal changes. When the body temperature changes like that, the person will have to suffer for the whole year. That means skin problem in hot season, digestive problem in windy season, phlegm problem in rainy season and shortness of breath in winter. It can cause pain from head to toe at any time for no reason.
At that time they cleverly use pain pills like candy. Loyal customers who use it are gifted a stroke on behalf of the company. Through this, customers can sleep peacefully without knowing any pain and not being able to do any work. Kothavarangai is the hero who frees us from all these troubles and problems. India can definitely become a superpower by cultivating only Coriander. The proof of this is the state of Rajasthan.
Foods without fiber are not completely eliminated from the body and remain stuck in the intestines. In chronic condition it can turn into cancerous tumors in the intestines. This condition is common in Western countries. This is because non-vegetarian food is completely devoid of fiber. A vegetarian diet is high in fiber, mainly in vegetables. Coriander is high in fiber among vegetables.
Coriander will expel the measles caused by heat in three days with heat. Coriander cures optic nerve weakness due to diabetes. Jaundice will not be reborn as Kothavaranga. Coriander is very easy to dissolve the white mucus congealed by cold. Coriander to lighten blood clots. Coriander to relax tight nerves and get loose nerve tension. Coriander activates a sluggish liver, spleen and lungs. Kottavarangai is used to drive away pancharogas like cold, fever, flatulence, flatulence and pains from home and country.
4 Cluster Beans can be chewed raw and mixed with saliva. Cut into small pieces and eat with grated coconut. Grind it in a mixer and drink it. Mix equal amounts of coriander and tomato juice in a mixer and drink. Similarly, coriander and sugarcane juice can be mixed and consumed in equal quantities. Cooking coriander in general has a lot of potential to vary its medicinalproperties.
Let's spread the wonderful medicinal properties of Cluster Beans available in bunches like the aroma of coriander.